HUSK Kitchens

If your Ikea kitchen is in need of some TLC, but you don’t fancy the upheavalof ripping everything out and starting from scratch (dust and debris – no,thank you!), Bristol-based HUSK has a practical and affordable solution. Itoffers custom cupboard fronts and worktops that can be altered to fit anyexisting kitchen – not just Ikea – so you can give your space a colourful andcontemporary overhaul. Prices start from around £90 per door.
0117 442 0377; madebyhusk.com
'For the Love of White' by Chrissie Rucker

Chrissie Rucker, the founder ofThe White Company, offers adefinitive guide to decoratingwith her signature style ofelegant white and neutral tones.
£30, Octopus Books
Lugo by Ercol

Handcrafted from solid wood, Ercol furniture is built tolast. With its soft curves, tapered legs and dark lacquerstain, the new Lugo collection taps into classic,mid-century design. The Lugo open display unit is£899, and the Marino armchair is priced from £1,340.
01844 271800; ercol.com
Thomas Sanderson curtains

We’ve all heard of agallery wall, but the latestcollaboration betweenHarlequin and curtainspecialist Thomas Sandersonbrings the colour and dramaof a great painting to yourwindow. We think the blushabstract florals of theseFlores Damson curtainsoffer soothing hues and asubtle pattern that isn’t toooverpowering. Prices vary dueto the bespoke nature ofthe product.
0800 688 8082;thomas-sanderson.co.uk
Bluebellgray anniversary cushion

Featuring signature watercolour designs by founderFi Douglas, this extra-special 10th anniversary cushion fromScottish brand Bluebellgray will have your homebursting with colour. The Giverny cushion costs £85.
0808 164 0130; bluebellgray.com
Autumn/Winter from Neptune

Ah, autumn... Finally, we can turnour attention to long eveningsspent hunkered down in frontof the fire, surrounded by cosytextiles and dark, cocooning paintcolours. This scene from Neptunelooks particularly inviting,don’t you think?Ink Matt Emulsion paint, £38 for 2.5l;Caspar armchair (in Harris TweedBilberry), £1,820; Beswick ceramic stool,£120; Ravenhead mirror, £520,all available at Neptune.
01793 427450;neptune.com
Fee Greening for Polkra

Artist Fee Greening draws on her love formedieval and Flemish art when sketchingher elegant designs – and these illustratedgarden herbs take inspiration from ancientEnglish folklore. Now printed onto linen andcotton-mix napkins, you can offer your dinnerguests mint for good fortune, basil for luck androsemary for protection against evil spirits.The Garden Herbs napkin set, created incollaboration with Polkra, costs £45.
'Zuber' by Brian D. Coleman

In Zuber: Two Centuries ofPanoramic Wallpaper, authorBrian Coleman delves into thehistory of the oldest wallpapermanufacturer in the world.
£55, Gibbs M Smith Inc
New paint finishes from Little Greene

Alongside a dazzlingarray of quick-drying andodourless paint colours,Little Greene has introducedthree new finishes to itsrange: Intelligent FloorPaint, Intelligent Satinwoodand Intelligent ASP (aprimer). We’re particularlyexcited about the IntelligentSatinwood, which is idealfor painting antique woodenfurniture or kitchen cabinets,such as this roomy larderpainted in Chimney Brick(£72 for 2.5l).
0845 880 5855;littlegreene.com