Banging bonfire nights! Where to find the UK's most dazzling firework displays

Banging bonfire nights! Where to find the UK's most dazzling firework displays

Fizzing fireworks, flaming bonfires or illuminated trails? Rhiannon Batten picks six historic venues commemorating the foiling of Guy Fawkes’ gunpowder plot this autumn

Sarah Medway

Published: October 22, 2024 at 1:24 pm

Blists Hill Victorian Town, Ironbridge, Shropshire

While stately homes and arboreta make picturesque backdrops to firework displays, few attempt to transport visitors directly back in time. For a more immersive sense of Bonfire Night in times past, head to Blists Hill, the reconstructed Victorian town in Shropshire’s UNESCO world heritage-ranked Ironbridge Gorge.

On the closest Saturday to Guy Fawkes Night, families can explore its Victorian streets after dark as clouds of steam billow from furnaces, and the site’s pub, The New Inn, does a bustling trade in drinks and snacks. The evening’s finale is an atmospheric firework display set to music.

Discover all you need to know about Blists Hill

Blists Hill bonfire event
Illuminating the sky above towering Victorian furnaces, Blists Hill’s display is an atmospheric affair. - -

11 Arches Park, Bishop Auckland, County Durham

Designed for staging outdoor theatrical performances inspired by the Puy du Fou medieval theme park in north-west France, Bishop Auckland’s 11 Arches Park hosts two distinct shows each year.

In the summer its artificial lake (complete with full-sized boats) is used as a setting for ‘Kynren, An Epic Tale of England’, while the closest Saturday to Bonfire Night sees the stage transformed for ‘Pyromusical’, a sound, light and fireworks extravaganza.

It’s an atmospheric sight, as shimmering fireworks are reflected in the water and Auckland Castle, once home to the Prince Bishops of Durham, stands proudly behind.

Find out more about the event at 11 Arches

11Arches Park bonfire event
Against the impressive backdrop of Auckland Castle and its own shimmering water, 11 Arches Park puts on an exciting show of sound, light and fireworks. - -

Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire

Fresh from hosting a dedicated firework championship in August, the events team at Leicestershire’s Belvoir Castle know a thing or two about putting on a sparkling display.

The castle’s Bonfire Night festivities take place at the estate’s Engine Yard each year. Originally constructed in Victorian times to house the steam engine that pumped water up to the castle, and serve as workshops for the castle’s tradesmen, the site’s renovated brick buildings now operate as a shopping and dining village.

On Bonfire Night visitors are welcome to stroll among them, entertained by fireworks and a feast of food stalls.

Find out more about Belvoir Castle's display

Bonfire event at the Engine Yard Belvoir Castle
Graze your way around a raft of tempting food stalls at Belvoir Castle’s revamped Engine Yard while watching the skies light up. - -

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Stourton Estates

For many, 5th November is about remembering Guy Fawkes’ 1605 plot to blow up parliament with the spark, fizz and bangs of fireworks. Those with pets, small children or additional needs, however, can find the noise, crowds and strobing lights a challenge. Over recent years, light trails have stepped into this gap, leading visitors gently through illuminated historic landscapes, forests and arboreta after dark.

At Lincolnshire’s Stourton Estates, visitors can wander just such a trail at its ‘Enchanted Lights’ events, before enjoying fire dance shows, and the chance to toast marshmallows. Unfortunately 2024's event has been cancelled, but why not plan ahead for next year!

Find out more about Stourton Estates

Stourton Estates Bonfire event
For those who prefer a more low-key Bonfire Night, in past years Stourton Estates has created an enchanting light trail that can be enjoyed over three evenings. - John Aron Photography -

Chatsworth House

Most visitors to Derbyshire’s grandest stately home drop in to ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ over its famed art collection and elegant landscaped gardens.

In the autumn, however, it’s the annual bonfire and fireworks weekend that dazzles. Held on two evenings just prior to Guy Fawkes Night, both gatherings include the lighting of bonfires as well as two separate fireworks displays; there’s an earlier one for younger visitors as well as the main show.

Traditional Bonfire Night provisions get an upgrade here, too, with stalls selling hog roasts, mulled wine and warm, sugar-dusted churros.

Book your tickets to Chatsworth's bonfire and fireworks evening

Chatsworth House bonfire event
A roaring bonfire, fireworks, a hog roast and churros await you at Chatsworth House. - Chatsworth House Trust/Matthew Bullen -

Leeds Castle

If you want to make it to this annual ‘Fireworks Spectacular’ on time, remember to set your SatNav to the village in Kent rather than Yorkshire’s largest city; it’s a confusion routinely made.

Once there, however, visitors are welcome to make an afternoon of it, strolling around the castle’s grounds and gardens, feasting on fish and chips and mulled cider from street-food stalls, and having a whirl on a fairground carousel before the performance begins at 5.30pm.

Combining fireworks, music and laser projections, it’s an electrifying way to experience the Tudor-style castle.

Buy your tickets here

Bonfire event at Leeds castle
Leeds Castle in Kent puts on two enthralling evenings of music, fireworks and laser projections, as well as a fairground carousel. - Sarah Medway -
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