Luke Honey
Luke Honey is a decorative antiques dealer, writer and blogger.
Recent articles by Luke Honey

Black History Month: the story behind abolitionist ceramics
Columnist Luke Honey on how ceramics played a large part in spreading the message of the abolitionist cause.

The joy of an antique four-poster bed
Decorative antiques dealer Luke Honey explores the trials and tribulations of buying an antique four-poster bed at auction

Collecting vintage spirits
Easy to preserve, comparatively affordable and with more than a touch of nostalgic appeal, vintage spirits are becoming more sought after by collectors, keen to tap into this young market...

What is wassailing?
Luke Honey explores the history of wassailing and collecting antique wassail bowls

Collecting antique nutcrackers
Antiques dealer Luke Honey discusses the appeal of collecting nutcrackers...

What are vampire slaying kits and how to collect them
Ahead of Halloween, Luke Honey explores the compulsion to collect vampire slaying kits and finds out where to buy your own...
A guide to collecting tartanware
Our columnist Luke Honey delves into the history of tartan and how to collect it...
Collecting fireworks ephemera
Our columnist considers the compulsion to collect fireworks ephemera
Collecting vintage globes
Antiques dealer Luke Honey discusses the appeal of collecting vintage globes
Collecting 1920s mahjong sets
Antiques dealer Luke Honey considers the appeal of collecting 1920s mahjong sets
Collecting police truncheons & tipstaves
Our columnist Luke Honey considers the appeal of collecting antique police truncheons and tipstaves
Collecting Pond Yachts
Our columnist considers the compulsion to collect and shares his latest obsession, pond yachts...
Collecting piscatorial taxidermy
Our columnist considers the compulsion to collect piscatorial taxidermy
Collecting vintage school prints
Our columnist Luke Honey considers the compulsion to collect vintage school prints
Collecting arcade machines
Our columnist considers the compulsion to collect arcade machines
Collecting Napoleonic memorabilia
Antiques dealer Luke Honey discusses the appeal of collecting Napoleonic memorabilia...
Collecting antique croquet sets
Antiques dealer Luke Honey discusses the appeal of collecting antique croquet sets...
Royal memorabilia: the most valuable, the most affordable and how to start collecting
Souvenirs from coronations, royal weddings and the birth of royal babies are a great place to start growing your antiques collection. Antiques dealer Luke Honey introduces us to the history of royal memorabilia, the most valuable pieces – and what you should buy if you're on a budget
Collecting antique dolls' houses
Our columnist discusses the joy of collecting dolls' houses
Luke Honey’s Cabinet of Curiosities: Concorde Memorabilia
Antiques dealer Luke Honey discusses the appeal of collecting Concorde memorabilia...
What are Vinegar Valentines and how to collect them
Our columnist considers the compulsion to collect and shares his latest obsession; Vinegar Valentines
What are witch balls, and how can you buy them?
Decorative antiques dealer Luke Honey reveals the history of witch balls, and what to keep an eye out for if you fancy adding some to your collection