Make a Risograph image with Hato Press

You may think this bold and colourful print was created by hand, but it was actually made using a Risograph: a kind of photocopier designed in 1980s Japan that’s now beloved by modern artists. On select evenings throughout the year, you can now visit independent London printers Hato Press for a night of riso-printing, mark-making and collaging. Suitable for complete beginners through to printing experts, workshops cost just £45 each, and attendees can take home 10 A3 colour prints of their own design. You’ll also get the chance to see behind the scenes at a working printing studio and seek advice from professional printers.
020 7729 5585; hatopress.net
Create a terrazzo coaster with Katie Gillies

From bathroom flooring and kitchenworktops, to lamp bases and deskaccessories, composite material terrazzohas been everywhere this year. Surface andproduct designer Katie Gillies uses Jesmonite(a kind of acrylic and resin material) to castand create an array of terrazzo homewares,and she shows others how to do the samein her workshops across the UK. Priced from£45 and located in trendy city spots, herclasses give participants the opportunityto cast their own pair of terrazzo coastersusing silicone moulds. Each coaster is uniqueto the maker, depending on the colour andquantity of the flecks used.Once finished, thecoasters are sandedby Katie in herstudio beforeshe posts themback to theirowners thefollowing week.
Make a terrarium with London florist Grace & Thorn

Picture this: an evening workshop with aboutique florist, creating a miniature gardenof succulents and foliage that you can thentake home. Sounds like heaven? Nik Capo ofGrace & Thorn runs her Terrarium Tuesdayworkshops on a monthly basis throughoutthe year, where attendees can create theirown terrarium garden that can then beused to adorn a side table or mantelpiece.Workshops run from 6.45pm-8.15pm andtickets cost £65 each.
020 7739 1521; graceandthorn.com
Learn traditional upholstery in three days

A three-day course designed for both beginners, and for those with considerable upholstery expertise, attendees can choose between upholstering a small footstool or a larger, coffee-table style footstool from the J A Milton headquarters in Shropshire. Classes are kept small - around 3-4 students per tutor - to ensure that everyone gets the advice and support that they need. This traditional upholstery course costs £450 for three days, including lunch and refreshments, but there are plenty of other courses and workshops available.
01691 624023; jamiltonupholstery.co.uk
If you're interested in upholstery, check out our round-up of the best furniture design and restoration courses available online and in person.
Learn to appreciate art with The Art Institute

Gain a greater understanding of some of the world's greatest artworks from the comfort of your own home with the Art Appreciation Course from The Art Institute. Antiques expert and art consultant Hilary Kay has brought together 12 leading art experts to guide you through an array of exciting introductory modules that'll give you a greater understanding of the Western art world. Prices start from £699 and you can complete the course at your own pace.
If you are a lover of interior design but want to learn more, check out our list of the best interior design workshops, courses and tutorials.